Figeroux & Associates, managing partner, Brian Figeroux, explains some very important points you should know before your schedule a consultation. The main purposes of your consultation are – to learn about the legal issue you are facing; to inform you about all of your options at this point in time; and to determine the best avenue to pursue in resolving your legal issue.
We believe the consultation is one of the most important parts of the legal process. During the appointment, we can gain information from you to understand your unique situation and goals in the legal process.
Our job at Figeroux & Associates, as your attorney would be to:
-Recognize and preserve your claims
-Understand exceptions to the rules
-Ensure timeliness and navigating deadlines
-Present arguments and evidence to support your claim
-Assist in cross examination and witness testimony
-Negotiate to settle in your best interest
Here are some consultation tips:
-Know that what you tell your attorney will be kept completely confidential
-Do not be embarrassed to tell your attorney any personal secrets that may be important in any way to your case.
-Tell your attorney all of the facts so he or she can accurately assess the given situation.
-Bring to your consultation documents relevant to your legal matter and a list of people involved with their contact information.
-Please avoid bringing an overload of papers and documents for your attorney to sort through.
-Ask many questions, such as what are the potential outcomes to your case or what is your attorney’s background and experience.
-Know that even if your consultation does not result in an attorney-client relationship, you can trust us that your personal information will remain completely confidential.
We at Figeroux & Associates would like to prepare you as much as we can for your consultation. Your time with your attorney is important and we want to make sure that you get the most out of your initial consultation as possible. We look forward to meeting with you and hope your consultation leads to a strong attorney-client relationship.